Wahooooooo!!!! It definitely made my day. :0)
I checked and apparently, there are some things that an
esteemed award winner (hahaha!) such as myself must do!
First, thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
Thank you, Mrs. D!!!! Make sure you check out her blog
She has a bunch of truly terrific ideas for making learning fun.
Second, share 7 things about yourself.
#1 Never in a million years did I think that I would have a blog! I do, however, and I love it.
I've met so many nice people and learned so much through it.
#2 I just went back to teaching after being a stay-at-home mom for four years. I taught for 11 years before that. I've taught second grade, third grade, GT Resource, and now I'm working with third, fourth and fifth graders in our school's Advanced Academic Center. It is a wonderful position in an
absolutely fantastic school. I'm a very lucky girl!
#3 I once had to dress up like an eggplant for our local Halloween parade. I was a teenager. I had great legs back then, so I totally rocked it. Ahh, the good old days!
#4 I played the cowbell in George Mason University's Pep Band. Honestly, between the
eggplant thing and the cowbell, I'm amazed that I ever got a date.
#5 I'm a sucker for anything in those "As Seen on TV" advertisements.
#6 I love photography and lovingly refer to my Canon 50D as my third baby.
If I could tuck it into a soft blanket at night, I probably would.
#7 Organization eludes me.
Third, pass this award on to fifteen recently discovered blogs. I love these blogs!
When my blog grows up, it wants to be just like them!!!!
Happy surfing!